
The Quest Kids

Created by Treasure Falls Games

A tabletop game of fantasy adventure for heroes 5 years old and up.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Big News: Entire 1st Campaign Unlocked at $28K!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Oct 01, 2019 at 08:10:57 PM

Good Afternoon Citizens of Treasure Falls! 

I promised big news in my update last night, so I will get right to it. The Quest Kids campaign has some exciting and interactive stretch goals that we'd all love to see unlocked. So, we have crunched some numbers and moved some things around to lower the targets for our stretch goals!

Here are the first three that we will vanquish after funding at $15K: 

The way these stretch goals will work is that once they are unlocked you (as the Kingdom of Treasure Falls) will decide which baddies get added to the game! Will it be Bears or Pirates? Stone Gnomes or Dragons? Spiders or Trolls? Once we tally the votes our awesome artist Apolline Etienne will draw three new characters for each unlocked goal.

Now, the potential for a bunch of new monsters lurking around Tolk's Cave is exciting. However, this is the news that I would consider BIG:

That's right! If we hit $28K in funding every pledge level will receive the complete first Quest Kids Campaign: The Trials of Tolk the Wise. This campaign features 5 unique quests, with seven sealed envelopes and over 60 new cards. Each quest tells a portion of an ongoing Quest Kids story, features a unique objective and teaches our young players a new game mechanism. 

What do you think? Do you have any questions about how the campaign works or the new stretch goals? 

Thank you so much for believing in and supporting The Quest Kids. With your help I know we can unlock the Trials of Tolk the Wise campaign and discover what that wizard is up to! Please help us spread the word!

A Quest Kids quest is never done,


Upcoming Livestream & Big Announcement Tomorrow!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Oct 01, 2019 at 12:00:47 AM

Happy Monday Citizens of Treasure Falls!

I hope your week is off to a terrific start. We've had a good day on our quest to open the treasure chest of funding (we're right at 80% funded and only need 75 more backers before our first quest is complete). 

I have two exciting things to share in this update, but first let's take a look at another review of The Quest Kids! This one is from Nick Shipley of Everything Board Games. It is a great write up on his experience playing the game with his two children (5 and 8 years old) and his overall thoughts on why it works as a fun fantasy family game. CHECK IT OUT HERE!


I'm thrilled to announce that I will be joining James Lang from Vorpal Board for a livestream play through of The Quest Kids on Wednesday, 10/2 at 3:30 PM CST. Vorpal Board is a platform for playing all your physical board games online with friends using the actual pieces. Here's a 75 second overview video:

However, it won't just be James and me playing The Quest Kids! James's daughter and my son will also join in on the quest. It should be a tad crazy, but a lot of fun! 

You can join us for the livestream on Wednesday, 10/2 at 3:30PM CST on Vorpal Board's Twitch Channel HERE. If you can't make the livestream the video will be available on Vorpal Board's YouTube channel HERE.


I'll have some exciting news to share tomorrow! Sorry for the tease, but there are still a couple of specifics I need to nail down before the reveal. I can say the announcement will impact every backer and potentially add a ton more content to your copy of The Quest Kids. Stay tuned! 

Thanks as always for your support of The Quest Kids. Our journey is only 7 days old, and while we have accomplished much there is a lot more treasure and glory on the horizon! After all, a Quest Kids quest is never done!


Social Stretch Goals Update and 75% Funded!
over 5 years ago – Sun, Sep 29, 2019 at 11:06:25 AM

Happy Sunday Citizens of Treasure Falls!

Welcome to all of the new backers who have joined us recently on our journey to make a kid-friendly dungeon crawler a reality! 

We have had a ton of great coverage of The Quest Kids from board game reviewers. I wanted to share another today (consider it some nice leisurely Sunday viewing). This one is from Before You Play and they do a tremendous job of explaining the game play and decisions involved. If you'd like to just skip to their opinion of The Quest Kids that happens around the 9:15 mark. Enjoy!

We are nearly 75% funded and need less than a hundred more brave adventurers to join our party. Thank you so much for already backing and thanks in advance for any additional help you can provide in spreading the word. Speaking of which...


We have three social stretch goals we are working towards to add three additional characters to the game! These three characters will be allies of The Quest Kids and when you uncover them during your quest they will provide assistance to the whole team for the rest of the journey! Right now we only have work-in-progress art, but here is a general idea of what they will look like:


Tink is the local town merchant in Treasure Falls, and when he joins the adventure he will always have ability cards available. But like any good merchant there will be a cost involved in getting the ability cards you need. 


Hot Foot is the Captain of the King's Guard. He is always ready to join a fight, but he must be used at the right time (he needs to rest for a while between battles). 


The Treasure Falls Ghost is a mysterious, yet friendly, ally of The Quest Kids. He can help explore parts of the cave and retrieve magical items that are difficult for the team to reach. 

YouTube Subscribers: 1,470 subscribers. CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE


Facebook post shares: 25 shares. CLICK HERE TO SHARE THE POST (it is the post pinned at the top of the page)

Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions about the social stretch goals, the allies or have any ideas for additional allies that could join in on the adventure. 

Thanks again for your support! We are almost there!

A Quest Kids quest is never done!


Day 3 Update: Tolk The Wise's Cave & EU Shipping Price
over 5 years ago – Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 11:38:47 PM

Greetings Brave Backers!

Day 3 is here and it is a cheery one in Treasure Falls, because you are over 200 strong and we are 60% funded! Once again, thank you so much for your continued support and PLEASE continue to share the campaign with friends/family/everyone. Let's get funded and get to work on those stretch goals! 

I have three quick things to chat about in this update: a new amazing review, an update to EU shipping pricing and the story and art of Tolk the Wise's Cave. Let's get to it! 


It has been a truly surreal experience watching all of the Quest Kids previews and reviews from content creators that I have been following as a fan over the years. Is that really MY game on The Dice Tower, Man Vs. Meeple and Everything Board Games??? It has been wild. The review below certainly ranks up there with my favorite coverage of the game so far. The guys from Hairy Game Lords just get what I am trying to do with The Quest Kids, and that is to create an amazing experience for families to enjoy together. 

Plus, they have awesome beards.

Plus, plus: they called The Quest Kids "possibly the best family game they have played." Go on, take a gander.


Almost immediately after the launch of The Quest Kids I began to receive feedback that shipping to the EU was a bit high at $25. I am using the local fulfillment center Spiral Galaxy (so any VAT charges will not be passed on to the backer) and we had come to the $25 price after many conversations prior to launch. However, I was more than happy to start back up the conversations with Spiral Galaxy to see if we could reduce the cost at all...and we have! Shipping to the EU is now $20! I hope this change allows more families across the world the chance to experience The Quest Kids.

3) Tolk's Cave

Gather around fellow adventurers, for today I am going to tell you about the greatest wizard that the kingdom of Treasure Falls has ever known: Tolk the Wise. Tolk was a trusted advisor to the King and Queen, a teacher and friend to The Quest Kids and a powerful protector of the kingdom. He had kind eyes, a precise wand and the most colorful cloak you have ever seen. He lived in a giant cave deep within the mountains of Treasure Falls. In this cave he performed all sorts of magical experiments and housed untold treasures and oddities. 

However, Tolk the Wise mysteriously disappeared long ago, and his cave is now the home to all sorts of silly bad guys who are searching for treasure and generally up to no good.  

There are six rooms in Tolk's Cave that are represented on the game board. Let's take a closer look at them! 

Quick note on scale: the first room is a square and the second is a vertical rectangle, while the other five rooms are horizontal rectangles - hence the difference in appearance in this online format.


Always the scholar and teacher, Tolk used his library to learn about the world beyond Treasure Falls and teach Quest Kids heroes the ways of truth and honor. There is also legend of a particularly valuable treasure map magically hidden somewhere in the room...


Every magician needs a lab, and Tolk was no exception. He was well known for crafting potions both silly (Draught of Dancing) and complex (Elixir of Dragon Strength).


The grand entrance to Tolk the Wise's cave. Its towering ceilings, mysterious caves and brave critters make an imposing impression on all who enter. 


The giant gems of Tolk's Cave are one of the great mysteries of the kingdom of Treasure Falls. Are they the source of the powerful Tolk Gems (we'll discuss the Tolk Gems in a future update)?


Deep within the mountains of Treasure Falls a golden river flows. It emerges in Tolk's Cave to form the golden pools. What lives in the pools? What lies at the bottom?


There are all sorts of bad guys and monsters in Tolk's Cave, but their leader is the Goblin King. He has set up a throne room and HQ in Tolk's Cave, where he plots silly plots and manages silly minions. 


Gold. Gems. Jewels. The Goblin King loves all forms of treasure and when he acquires it he stores it in his Treasure Room. Although, it seems a bit silly to store all of your treasure in one room, don't you think?

Which room are you excited to explore? Are there any other theoretical rooms in Tolk's Cave that you'd like to potentially see on a new board? Let me know in the comments below!

A Quest Kids quest is never done!


Thank You Day 1 Backers!
over 5 years ago – Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 09:17:15 PM

Thanks to all of you we are 37% funded as the sun goes down over the Kingdom of Treasure Falls and our launch day draws to a close. I really cannot thank you enough for joining us so early in our quest to make this family-friendly fantasy game a reality. 

I am a father of three (6, 3 and 6 weeks) and the inspiration for The Quest Kids was to create an exciting, accessible, high-quality fantasy experience for children as young as five years old to enjoy with their families and to create an entry-level experience to one of my favorite board game genres: the dungeon crawler. My hope is that The Quest Kids is one of the first board games a child plays and that the experience helps foster a curiosity and interest in this wonderful hobby.

With our family-friendly fantasy approach The Quest Kids is a unique game within the current Kickstarter board game landscape and it needs your continued support to get funded. Please share the project with anyone you think may be interested. Also, I know there is a lot of content on the campaign page, so you may have missed the Social Stretch goals towards the bottom. One of the goals is to head on over to our Facebook page and share the post that is pinned at the top. Easy enough, right?

In these updates I will also begin to discuss different aspects of the game, so please let me know in the comments below if there is anything specifically you'd like for me to cover. Up first will be a bit more info on the backstory of The Quest Kids and the inspiration behind the beautiful artwork on our game board.  

We are off to a great start, but there is still work to be done. After all, a Quest Kids quest is never done!
