
The Quest Kids

Created by Treasure Falls Games

A tabletop game of fantasy adventure for heroes 5 years old and up.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure is LIVE + Production Update on The Quest Kids!
over 4 years ago – Sat, Aug 08, 2020 at 11:45:05 AM

Greetings Citizens of Treasure Falls, 

It's a wonderful morning in the Kingdom, for on this day a new quest begins.  The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure's Kickstarter campaign is NOW LIVE! Our fresh fantasy take on picture matching (featuring the characters of The Quest Kids) is for 1-6 players, ages 3 and up. You can check out the campaign HERE to find a lot more info on how it plays, what's in the box, what reviewers are saying and more. 

Plus, The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure campaign includes a Kickstarter exclusive Magnetic Treasure Chest with every pledge.

Also, don't forget that as an original backer of The Quest Kids you will get free shipping for Matching Adventure if you decide to back the campaign. Please just make sure to use the same Kickstarter account to back both The Quest Kids and The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure. This will allow us to sync up your pledges in BackerKit. 

The inspiration behind Matching Adventure was to create a picture matching game that can be played by very young gamers, but allow them to make simple strategic choices and enjoy a fun fantasy theme. I've had a blast designing this game and I can't wait to share it with you. 

I also had a blast making the trailer for the game, which you can check out here :)


Progress on The Quest Kids is moving along, however we have had a delay in receiving the updated production copies for review of The Quest Kids and The Trials of Tolk the Wise. The biggest delay was caused by an issue that occurred when the manufacturer was creating the molds for the miniatures. As you can see from the image below the molds were created in a way that made Noah and Crash substantially larger than Ivy and Skylar.

This issue required the manufacturer to adjust the mold, which was a lengthy process. The good news is that the new mold has been created and the new figures look great! In the image below Ivy is leaning over a bit too much. She has since been adjusted to standing tall!

I have been assured that the final production samples will be in the mail this week for both The Quest Kids and The Trials of Tolk the Wise. Here is an image of The Quest Kids components in the box insert that the manufacturer sent over last night. 


The delay in receiving the production samples has obviously prevented us from being able to do a final and thorough quality control check. It is very important to complete this step of the process before we give the green light to begin mass production. Because of this we are updating the delivery date of The Quest Kids and The Trials of Tolk the Wise to November 2020. 

I certainly wish we were not forced to push the delivery date back a couple of months, however please know I am doing everything in my power to deliver a high-quality fantasy game for your family as quickly as possible. If you have any questions about the new production timeline please let me know in the comments below.

Also, I'd like to say that the design, creation and launch of The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure on Kickstarter has had zero impact on the delivery schedule for The Quest Kids Board Game. All of the content for The Quest Kids and The Trials of Tolk the Wise was completed before work on Matching Adventure began. 


Lastly, if you visit the campaign for Matching Adventure you will notice that there are some pledge tiers available that also include The Quest Kids and The Trials of Tolk the Wise. All three of these items obviously star The Quest Kids, so we wanted to make the original game available to any backers that may be meeting our team for the first time through this campaign. 

However, I want to make sure that you (my amazing original backers) know the following:

  • Once again, offering these games during The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure campaign in no way impacts the delivery schedule for your pledge. 
  • There is new pricing for The Quest Kids and The Trials of Tolk the Wise for the Matching Adventure campaign. Original backers paid less for their pledges and for shipping. 

Whew! That was a lot of information, so please let me know if you have any questions or thoughts in the comments below. I hope to see a lot of you over on The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure campaign as we embark on a new journey in the Kingdom of Treasure Falls.

A Quest Kids quest is never done!


Production Sample overview (with tons of photos)!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 02:29:17 AM

Front of box - The Quest Kids & The Trials of Tolk the Wise

Greetings Citizens of Treasure Falls!

The production samples of The Quest Kids and The Trials of Tolk the Wise campaign arrived late last week! First, I am going to share a lot of pictures so you can take a look at all of the components. Then I will share with you my thoughts on what I love about these samples and what issues will be addressed. 

Let's dive in!


The fronts of the boxes are above. Here's a look at the inside box sides and the back of the boxes.

Inside box sides - The Quest Kids
Inside box sides - The Trials of Tolk the Wise
Back of boxes - The Quest Kids & The Trials of Tolk the Wise


Treasure tokens and treasure bag - The Quest Kids
Player boards - The Quest Kids
Coloring scoring sheets - The Quest Kids

These are the four different scoring sheet designs. There will be a total of 24 sheets on one pad. 

Rules for The Quest Kids and Campaign Guide for The Trials of Tolk the Wise
All the card types for The Quest Kids
Ability Cards - The Quest Kids
Kind Kid, Quest and Health Cards - The Quest Kids
Dungeon Tile examples - The Quest Kids
The Quest Kids game board
The Quest Kids game board (folded)
Tolk's Library - The Quest Kids
Tolk's Lab - The Quest Kids
The Throne Room and Treasure Room - The Quest Kids
Looking nice. Real nice.


Campaign Cards, Quest Specific Dungeon Tiles and Player Cards - The Trials of Tolk the Wise
Over 100 unique cards tell the story of The Trials of Tolk the Wise!
Quest prep cards - The Trials of Tolk the Wise

These Quest Prep Cards separate the Dungeon Tiles used for each quest within the main Dungeon Tile deck. On the back of the card are directions on how to prepare each specific quest. 

Ally and Hero Cards - The Trials of Tolk the Wise


Here are some of the things I loved about the Production Sample (in no particular order):

  • The card quality is fantastic! Thanks to you guys for unlocking the card quality upgrade stretch goal, because I am thrilled with the way the cards look and feel. The colors are bright, the artwork pops and the cards are sturdy (which is a must when playing with young heroes).
  • The player boards are perfect and have the correct border with the jagged edges.
  • The game boxes look slick. I really like how the bad guys look on the inside box for The Quest Kids, and I am happy we were able to feature some more of the art from our amazing artist Apolline Etienne on the inside box for The Trials of Tolk the Wise. 
  • The printed components are top quality. The rule book, campaign guide and coloring scoring sheets all feel and look very nice. 

Now here are a few issues I have with the production sample and the changes/improvements we are moving forward with:

  • As you can see from the photo above the Treasure Tokens were printed as squares. That is incorrect and they will be printed as circles for the final game.
  • The Treasure Bag is too small. I am having the manufacturer increase the size of the bag by quite a bit.
  • The game board that was created for the Production Sample does not lay flat and has a gloss finish. The manufacturer explained that when only one board is created for a sample the board does not go through the same production process as boards that are mass produced for the final games. Therefore, I have been assured that the final board will lay completely flat and have a nice, smooth, matte finish. 
  • The campaign guide for The Trials of Tolk The Wise is slightly too large to fit in the game box. This will obviously be fixed for the final version. 

Lastly, some of you eagle eyed Citizens of Treasure Falls may have noticed that some components were missing from the Production Sample. Here's a list of what you did not see:

  • 4 Hero cardboard standees (The Quest Kids)
  • 4 Hero miniatures (The Quest Kids)
  • 6 plastic gems (The Quest Kids)
  • Plastic insert (The Quest Kids)
  • 3 sealed envelopes (The Trials of Tolk the Wise)
  • Plastic insert (The Trials of Tolk the Wise)

I was aware that the miniatures and inserts would not be included in this sample, as the manufacturer was still finishing up the molds for these. However, the mold for the minis has been completed and the mold for the plastic inserts is being worked on this week. 

As for the other components their omission was an oversight by the manufacturer. However, these components are being sent to me with an updated sample for review, which will include the plastic inserts and miniatures. 

Overall, I am very pleased with the Production Sample. There were a few minor issues, but all of the edits and changes can be executed quickly. The next step is to review the updated sample with the missing components and plastic components (minis and inserts). I will post a similar update once that arrives within the next 10 days. 

Please let me know if you have any questions about or reactions to the production sample. I'd love to chat about it! 


Finally, I'd like to quickly mention our next project, which is headed to Kickstarter VERY soon: The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure. We took the classic game of memory, added characters from The Quest Kids, and freshened up the rules with some fantasy flair. Plus, original backers of The Quest Kids will get FREE shipping for Matching Adventure if they decide to back the project!

The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure

You can check out an update about the game HERE or have Kickstarter notify you when the project launches HERE

A Quest Kids quest is never done!


Introducing The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Jul 09, 2020 at 02:39:58 PM

Greetings Citizens of Treasure Falls, 

I have two exciting bits of news to share:

1) The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure launches on Kickstarter soon!

I am thrilled to announce that Treasure Falls Games next game will be The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure! Also, as an original backer of The Quest Kids if you decide to back Matching Adventure you will get FREE SHIPPING (more on shipping below).  

Matching Adventure takes the classic game of memory and adds a fresh fantasy twist with character powers, gleaming treasure and fun fantasy art featuring The Quest Kids and the rest of the crew from Treasure Falls!

Will you search The Quest Kids’ tree house to recruit heroes and find special powers? Perhaps you will go on an adventure and try to scare away bad guys and earn gleaming treasure? Choose wisely and match quickly, because the player with the most stars at the end of the game wins!

The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure is for 1 - 6 players ages 3 and up. It's a great family game for groups with young players who enjoy matching games or the fantasy genre.  


All of the art and graphic design is complete for The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure. This allows us to begin production as soon as we are funded. This also allows us to ship The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure to original backers of The Quest Kids (you guys!) in the same box as The Quest Kids and The Trials of Tolk the Wise! Shipping will be a bit more for Treasure Falls Games, but we're more than happy to offer you free shipping if you are willing to go on another adventure with The Quest Kids. 

How to get more info:

If you'd like to be notified the moment our campaign launches head on over to our Kickstarter pre-launch page HERE and click the green "Notify me on launch" button. 

You can find out a bit more about the game and sign-up for our email alerts on the Treasure Falls Games website HERE

I will also be sharing a lot more about the game over on our The Quest Kids Fans Facebook Group. We'll be doing some fun giveaways leading up to the campaign launch, so feel free to join the group if that sounds cool to you. Plus, there is one last Kickstarter exclusive component we are yet to reveal for The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure. It is super cool and we will reveal it soon on our Facebook Group and other social channels. 


While I was working on this update a certain package arrived on my porch: 

The production samples for The Quest Kids and The Trials of Tolk the Wise have arrived! As promised, I will post another update going over all of the components very soon.

Please let me know if you have any questions about the new Matching Adventure Kickstarter campaign or The Quest Kids. A Quest Kids quest is never done!


Quick update on The Quest Kids production sample
over 4 years ago – Wed, Jul 08, 2020 at 08:59:13 AM

Greetings Citizens of Treasure Falls, 

I hope you all are healthy and safe out there. I will keep this update brief and to the point. Unfortunately, we are yet to receive our production sample of The Quest Kids. The reason for the delay is that our manufacturer sent over pictures of the game before putting it in the mail and I noticed a few issues that needed to be corrected. 

For example, the player boards were printed as perfect rectangles, but the correct design has a fun jagged edge (see the pictures below). 

Production sample player board with incorrect cut lines. 

Player board from prototype with correct cut lines. 

These changes (along with a couple of others) have been fixed and the production sample was put in the mail early last week. I anticipate it to arrive any minute and as soon as it does I will have an in-depth update with tons of pretty pictures. 

It is difficult to say at this point what impact this delay will have on our shipping timeline. Obviously any delay is not great, however if everything looks fantastic once the revised production sample arrives then we are still in pretty good shape. I will provide a revised (or not revised) shipping schedule with the next update after the quality check has been completed. 

Thanks as always for your support and please let me know if you have any questions in the comments below. 

A Quest Kids quest is never done!


All files submitted! Pre-production copy in progress!
over 4 years ago – Tue, May 19, 2020 at 03:42:44 AM

Greetings Citizens of Treasure Falls, 

I hope you and yours are healthy and safe during these wild times. I apologize again for the delay between updates, but I assure you the radio silence is not an indicator of lack of production (quite the opposite!). Let's get to it:

The Trials of Tolk the Wise Campaign = COMPLETE

All of the files for The Trials of Tolk the Wise were submitted to Gameland in late April! Creating, designing, testing and proof-reading this campaign was a large undertaking (we created over 120 unique cards!), however I am thrilled with the way it has turned out.

Above is a 3D rendering of the campaign box and here is what the back of the box has going on:

The files for The Quest Kids base game were submitted earlier this year. Therefore, Gameland has everything they need to get rocking and rolling. Which brings us to our next topic...


Gameland is currently putting together a pre-production copy of both The Quest Kids and The Trials of Tolk the Wise campaign. This is a huge step in the process, because it allows the Treasure Falls Games team a chance to review the quality and accuracy of the components one last time before we hit the "start mass production" button. 

The pre-production copies should be in our hands by the end of May for review. 

Now, here's where we are with the timeline. Gameland told me this week that I can expect the games to hit the USA in Late July. That gives us about a month of wiggle room to fulfill the September 2020 delivery stated at the launch of the campaign. I am feeling confident that we will be able to get your games to you in September, however that depends greatly on how many changes are required after we are able to review the pre-production copies. 

I will provide an in-depth update covering the pre-production copy and any changes that we will be making in early June. As always, please pass along any questions about the project or timeline and I'll be happy to answer.


Thanks again to 91% of you for filling out our BackerKit survey before 3/25. Your order has been locked and there is nothing else you need to do. However, don't worry - you can still update your shipping address up until we lock addresses for shipping later this summer.

There are still 71 backers who have not completed their survey in BackerKit. If you haven't filled out your survey please reach out to me and I can help get your information submitted. 


At the end of Update #24 I teased future Quest Kids projects that are in the works. Unfortunately, we are still in the teasing phase of the marketing strategy, however we are VERY close to announcing these projects. 

In fact, here is some no context artwork from TWO DIFFERENT projects to prove we aren't joking.

A Quest Kids quest is never done!
